
Combined Conference Software Engineering & Management 2019

The conferences Software Engineering (SE) and Software Management (SWM) of the German Computer Science Association (GI e.V.) take place in Stuttgart as combined conference next year (18.-22. of February 2019).

The annual Software Engineering (SE) conference of the German Computer Science Association's special chapter on software engineering is a community meeting organized to foster collaboration and exchange. Participants come from all areas of software engineering and debate their work. The conference is directed towards practitioners and academic researchers working in the field.

The conference on Software Management (SWM) also takes place in 2019. It deals with questions on the management, development, and maintainance of software systems and is organized by the respective chapter in the German Computer Science Association.

2019 both conferences are co-located in Stuttgart, the capital of Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart is well-known for its vibrant automotive and IT industry.

Both conferences are primarily directed towards members of the respective chapters of the GI e.V. Hence, most information is available in German only. Go to the German page for further information.

SE 2019 is a conference organized by the software engineering chapter of the German Computer Science Association (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., GI e.V.)

SWM 2019 is a conference organized by the special interest group on management of application development and maintanance chapter of the German Computer Science Association (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., GI e.V.)


This image shows Steffen Becker

Steffen Becker

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Head of the Software Quality and Architecture Group

[Photo: U. Regenscheit / University of Stuttgart]

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